What Do We Want To Teach Kids?

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Using Kids as Pawns
by Staff Writer - November , 2021

  • As schools and students attempt to stop bulling and promote inclusiveness, some parents and politicians are doing their best to sabotage those efforts.

People are not homogeneous Republican Bill Would Require Schools To Notify Parents Before Teaching Programs On Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity

On November 6th, Spiked news in the UK ran this story, Keep gender-identity ideology out of schools

Texas governor calls books 'pornography' in latest effort to remove LGBTQ titles from school libraries

A modern book burning: LGBTQ-themed books removed from North KC, Liberty schools

Iowa School Board Candidate Wants to Share The Name of Every Kid Who Checks out Pro-LGBTQ Books

New Jersey School District Omits Librarians from Review of Several LGBTQ+ Library Books

Tennessee bill seeks to ban books supporting, addressing LGBTQ lifestyles, issues in public schools

Part of the position of these anti-inclusion radicals is that schools are being used as laboratories of social engineering and that they are teaching children that gender identity and sexual orientation is a choice. This is simply a repackaging of the same old stereotype that people choose to be gay.