March 28

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  • 2002 - No wedding, but some want to throw rice anyway - A women's health conference at Penn State University featured an address by Patrick Califa-Rice, a self described "transgendered bisexual person." Califa-Rice's inclusion caused great controversy and even protests because of his pro-pedo views. He once wrote, "Boylovers and the lesbians who have young lovers are the only people offering a hand to help young women and men cross the difficult terrain between straight society and the gay community. They are not child molesters. The child abusers are priests, teachers, therapists, cops and parents who force their stale morality onto the young people in their custody. Instead of condemning pedophiles for their involvement with lesbian and gay youth, we should be supporting them."[1]




  1. Author unknown. "This Day In Pedo History: March 28", 2003. Retrieved on 3-10-15. 

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