March 12

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  • 1977 - A three decade Roman holiday - Roman Polanski, 43 at the time, was arrested on this date for having sex with a 13yo girl. His reaction to that? He said, "When you are 12, you no longer need the parents." The courts did not see it the same way, and Polanski was convicted. He fled the country for France before he could be sentenced, and has not returned to the United States since then. In 1980, he was nominated for an Academy Award as Best Director for Tess. Because of his legal problems, he was unable to attend the ceremony. He probably did not mind much as he lost that award. Besides, his real prize was he and the teen star of the film, Nastassja Kinski, became lovers. Polanski has continued to live in Europe and make critically and commercially successful films.
  • 2001 - From the putting genies back in bottles department - An issue of Newsweek magazine with a cover story and special report called "The Darkest Corner of the Internet" hit the newsstands on this date. In the article the authors examined the expansion of the networks of child porn traders, how they've grown on the World Wide Web and what law enforcement agencies, governments and Internet companies are doing to help eradicate them again. "Child pornography was pretty much eradicated in the 1980s," said Kevin Delli-Colli, a U.S. official who runs the Customs CyberSmuggling Center, a unit that combats the imports of child-sex photos and films. "With the advent of the Internet, it exploded." Newsweek reported that it had learned of a planned sweep against consumers of child pornography in the U.S. to happen within a few weeks of their publication. That turned out the be the "Candyman" investigation.
  • 2001 - "Bring your sons along with you when you come" - Sai Baba, a millionaire mystic guru with millions of followers worldwide, really wanted to meet Prince Charles. The Prince of Wales wrote to one of Baba's followers the following: "[Professor] Keith [Critchlow] has often told me about Sai Baba and the effect he has had on many people and it is wonderful to know of the difference he has made to your life. Perhaps I will be able to meet him one day when the time is right." On this date that comment cause a great media stir, as Sai Baba is accused of brainwashing followers and of being a pedo. the FBI and UNESCO both have investigated him on such charges. Baba has been accused of enjoying rubbing oil into boys' genitals claiming it helps release their sexual tension. Well, really now! Who wouldn't enjoy that?
  • 2002 - Striking out on Capitol Hill - The ACLU issues a release to all members of the US House of Representatives on this date to appeal to them to vote against H.R. 2146, the "Two Strikes You're Out Child Protection Act." The bill was designed to impose a mandatory life sentence for any person convicted of certain federal sex offenses against a minor if the person has a prior conviction for a sexual offense against a minor. The ACLU wrote, "an individual convicted of raping a six-year-old child using force who has a prior conviction of a similar nature would be subject to the same penalty as a 19 year old who engages in consensual sex with a 15 year old, if the 19 year old had a prior conviction against a minor." The added, "This mandatory sentencing scheme raises grave civil liberties concerns because it would prescribe arbitrary and disproportionate sentences. Although we agree that society must be protected from those who commit crimes against children, we believe that the penalties currently in place... provide for adequate punishments." The lobbying effort did no good. Two days later the bill passed by a vote of 382 to 34.



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